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Conferencias - Entrevistas - Debates

Post-Revolution Space for Women's Movement
Part 1

- Forward Global Women-

Post-Revolution Space for Women's Movement, Part 2

- Forward Global Women-


Post-Revolution Space for Women's Movement, Part 3

- Forward Global Women-


Introduction to Modern Linguistics.
The position of women in the Muslim world & Amazigh Language.

- Seminario-
Universidad de Amsterdam


Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights in Morocco: A Reading from the 'Center'

- Conferencia-
ZIF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung)


Silenced (?)! Islamic feminism and social struggles in the Arab world

- Panel de discusión -
VIDC Wiener Institut für internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit



Silenced (?)! Islamic feminism and social struggles in the Arab world

- PEntrevista a Fatima Sadiqi -
VIDC Wiener Institut für internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit



Entrevista a Fatima Sadiqi

- Entrevista -
Forward Global Women 


International Women’s Day Special: Conversation with Two Prominent Scholars

- Entrevista -
Peace talk with Zara



Extremism and the Dark Side of Women’s Empowerment

- Debate -
Woodrow Wilson Center


© 2021 Historia de Mujeres y Lenguas, proyecto de la Escuela de idiomas de la Universidad Industrial de Santander

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